Saturday, October 4, 2008, 10:34 PM

So now, i am going to talk about my mechanical toy;

This is not the design that i want to do. This is the modified design, which i had added things to make it better. Actually, i want to do a mechanical toy with the hippo's head and body. however, after cutting out the shape of the hippo's body and head,i found out that the body and the head did not match well together- it simple looked wired. so,i decided to take away the body, and add a television beside it. i also added a roof befind(if your can see)- a pink colour one. I know that children loves bright colours, so i had added my colours to my mechanical toy( if your can see). my products aim to attract any sex, male or female.

10:22 PM

Hi guys!
This is the updates of my mechanical toy,
the toy that i am doing!
The following pictures are about my mechanical toy,
do give comments!thanks:)

(left side of the mechanical toy)

(back of it)

(right side of it)

(front side)

( the mechanical toy)

(overall views)

(the cams)




YO, I am SHUJUAN,currently studying in HYSS, and i am a student designer;D MY big big day is 11 of JULY and i will LOVE you much more if you buy something for me:D I am sec2 this year and i studied in a 'zoo' called 2e5.I loves to make friends and tag me,if you dont understand anything and i will be pleased to reply you:D And,do smile!❤:D




Layout: Yeling



  1. November 2007
  1. December 2007
  1. January 2008
  1. July 2008
  1. October 2008